

Caught in the eye of the storm.

At the moment I am completely caught up in my new madrilena life; it is so chaotic adapting to a new culture, finding yourself in a new city and starting from scratch. I feel so many emotions. Inspiration from new surroundings, excitements as I discover new places and perspectives but that comes with tiredness, frustration and disappointment as I realise nothing really does run smoothly and organisation isn't particularly part of the spanish culture. I become more and more aware at the personality I portray as I cautiously approach new people, trying to make friendships.

However, one thing I do enjoy is seeing the way the spanish, and in particular way the women of Madrid dress. There is such a range from tailored middle aged women to the joven, dressed in structured, well thought out clothes with neutral palettes, simple shapes and casual attire whilst still maintainings that sophisticated look that I am so jealous of.

Due to my lack of time and energy, I haven't been taking such care with my outfit choices and so I turn to Vogue Italia to bring out a new celebrity muse. Dakota Fanning, not the obvious choice for inspiration , certainly steps up her game in this recent spread in Vogue. With her heavy brows and a plait that Wang would be proud of, she looks delicate but strong. I truly hope that this is the start of a new Fanning that we haven't yet seen, taking over as a fashion icon.


Whirlwind of memories

Touring with Tomassi, packing for Madrid and leaving my stamp with a kisss. Check out my awesome shot of James crowd surfing - possibly the peak of my photography skills. The holographic cat stickers were a must to decorate the merch stall and Will's mulberry bag ( his precious) was the essential photo of the tour - drummer, charmer of women and appreciator of fashion. I'm excited for Madrid but also sad to be leaving such awesome friends and good times.


Beam me up..

I am absolutely in love with this designer, talk about escapism in fashion. The shapes are beautiful, structured, stiff material with waves and swirls, the one above is reminiscent of 50s glamour, but with the print of a galaxy, bringing it into the new age. I am a sucker for cosmology print and combined with the bright colours, oh my, speechless.